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Keybord ShortCut Keys जो आपके काम में आये.Keyboard Shortcut Keys That Help For You.

Keybord ShortCut Keys जो आपके काम में आये.Keyboard Shortcut Keys That Help For You.

   दोस्तों आज कल हम अपने ज्यादातर काम computer पे ही करना पसंद करते हे . और साथ ही में हमें computer कीबोर्ड की भी काफी जरूरत पड़ती हे तो अब हम हर कम आपने computer पे कीबोर्ड और आपने माउस की मदत से करते रहते हे .तो फिर हमें कई बार एसे कुछ computer के कम होते हे जिनके लिए प्रोग्राममेर्स ने हमारी सुविधा के लिए कुछ एसे शोर्टकट keys निकाले हे जिसका उपयोग करके हम जिस कम को करने में कुछ टाइम लगता था उसको हम second में कर सकते हे .अब आप कहोगे एसे तो keys हमें पता हे पर में कहता हु की आपको जरुर मालूम होगे but सब के सब नही तो चलिए जन लेते हे उन सभी keys के बारे में 
निचे दिए गयी टेबल में उन सभी keys के बारे में आपको पता चल जायेगा.

Keybord ShortCut Keys
Keybord ShortCut Keys

Microsoft Paint Shortcut Key

Create a new picture
Open an existing picture
Save changes to a picture
Save the picture as a new file
Print a picture
Close a picture and its Paint window
Undo a change
Redo a change
Select the entire picture
Cut a selection
Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Right Arrow
Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel
Left Arrow
Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel
Down Arrow
Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel
Up Arrow
Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel
Cancel a selection
Delete a selection
Bold selected text
Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Italicize selected text
Underline selected text
Open the Properties dialog box
Open the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl+Page Up
Zoom in
Ctrl+Page Down
Zoom out
View a picture in full-screen mode
Show or hide the ruler
Show or hide gridlines
F10 or Alt
Display keytips
Show the current shortcut menu

Open Paint Help
'Keybord ShortCut Keys जो आपके काम में आये.Keyboard Shortcut Keys That Help For You.'

 Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

CTRL+(Unhides any hidden rows within the selection.
CTRL+)Unhides any hidden columns within the selection.
CTRL+&Applies the outline border to the selected cells.
CTRL+_Removes the outline border from the selected cells.
CTRL+~Applies the General number format.
CTRL+$Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).
CTRL+%Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places.
CTRL+^Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+#Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.
CTRL+@Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
CTRL+!Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
CTRL+-Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells.
CTRL+*Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).
CTRL+:Enters the current time.
CTRL+;Enters the current date.
CTRL+`Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet.
CTRL+'Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL+"Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL++Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells.
CTRL+1Displays the Format Cells dialog box.
CTRL+2Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+3Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+4Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+5Applies or removes strikethrough.
CTRL+6Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects.
CTRL+7Displays or hides the Standard toolbar.
CTRL+8Displays or hides the outline symbols.
CTRL+9Hides the selected rows.
CTRL+0Hides the selected columns.
CTRL+ASelects the entire worksheet.
CTRL+BApplies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+CCopies the selected cells.
CTRL+DUses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below.
CTRL+FDisplays the Find dialog box.
CTRL+GDisplays the Go To dialog box.
CTRL+HDisplays the Find and Replace dialog box.
CTRL+IApplies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+KDisplays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks.
CTRL+LDisplays the Create List dialog box.
CTRL+NCreates a new, blank file.
CTRL+ODisplays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.
CTRL+PDisplays the Print dialog box.
CTRL+RUses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+SSaves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
CTRL+UApplies or removes underlining.
CTRL+VInserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. Available only after you cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents.
CTRL+WCloses the selected workbook window.
CTRL+XCuts the selected cells.
CTRL+YRepeats the last command or action, if possible.
CTRL+ZUndo-command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry you typed.
CTRL+SHIFT+ZUndo or Redo-command to reverse or restore the last automatic correction when AutoCorrect Smart Tags are displayed.

Windows Shortcut Keys

CTRL + ASelect all
CTRL + CCopy the selected item.
CTRL + XCut the selected item.
CTRL + VPaste
CTRL + ZUndo the last action
DELETEDelete the selected item.
ESCCancel the last task.
TABMove forward through the option.
SHIFT + DELDelete the selected item permanently without replacing the item in the Recycle bin.
CTRLWhile dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
CTRL + SHIFTWhile dragging an item (Create shortcut to the selected item).
CTRL + RIGHT ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL + LEFT ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
CTRL + DOWN ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
CTRL + UP ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
CTRL + SHIFTWith any of the arrow keys ( Highlight a block of the text)
ALT + ENTERView the properties for the selected item and object.
ALT + F4Close the active item, or quit the active program.
ALT + SPACEBAROpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
CTRL + F4Close the active document in program that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously.
ALT + TABSwitch between the open item.
SHIFT + F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
CTRL + ESCDisplay the start menu.
RIGHT ARROWOpen the next menu to the right or open a submenu.
LEFT ARROWOpen the next menu to the left or close a submenu.
BACKSPACEView the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
SHIFTWhen you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing.
CTRL + SHIFT +TABMove backward through the tabs.
SHIFT + TABMove backward through the options.
ENTERPerform the command for the active option or button.
SPACEBARSelect or clear the check box if the active option is a check box.
F1Displays help and support center.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for file and folder.
F4Display the address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
F5Update or Refresh the active window.
F6Cycle through the screen elements in  a window or Windows Explorer.
F10Active the menu bar in the active program.

Power Point Shortcut Keys

Change FontCTRL+Shift+F
Change Point SizeCTRL+Shift+P
Increase Font SizeCTRL+Shift+>
Decrease Font SizeCTRL+Shift+<
Plain TextCTRL+Shift+Z
Spelling CheckerF7
Center ParagraphCTRL+E
Justified ParagraphCTRL+J
Left-Aligned ParagraphCTRL+L
Right-Aligned ParagraphCTRL+R
Change CaseShift+F3
Create HyperlinkCTRL+K
Delete Character LeftBackspace
Delete Word LeftCTRL+Backspace
Delete Character RightDelete
Delete Word RightCTRL+Delete
Create a copy of the textCTRL+Drag
Character LeftLeft Arrow
Character RightRight Arrow
Line UpUp Arrow
Line DownDown Arrow
Word LeftCTRL+Left Arrow
Word RightCTRL+Right Arrow
End of LineEND
Beginning of LineHOME
Paragraph UpCTRL+Up Arrow
Paragraph DownCTRL+Down Arrow
End of Text BlockCTRL+END
Start of Text BlockCTRL+HOME
To Previous ObjectTAB
To Next ObjectShift+TAB
Select All ObjectsCTRL+A
Drag and Drop CopyCTRL+Select and Drag
Create a Duplicate ObjectCTRL+D
Create another Duplicate with same offset as firstCTRL+D
Promote ParagraphALT+Shift+Left Arrow or
Demote ParagraphALT+Shift+Right Arrow or Shift+TAB
Move Selected Paragraphs UpALT+Shift+Up Arrow
Move Selected Paragraphs DownALT+Shift+Down Arrow
Collapse to TitlesALT+Shift+1
Expand Text under a headingALT+Shift+Plus
Collapse Text Under a HeadingALT+Shift+Minus
Show All Text and HeadingsALT+Shift+A
Display Character FormattingKeypad / (numlock off)
Character RightShift+Right Arrow
Character LeftShift+Left Arrow
End of WordCTRL+Shift+Right Arrow
Beginning of WordCTRL+Shift+Left Arrow
Line UpShift+Up Arrow
Line DownShift+Down Arrow
Select AllCTRL+A or F2
Select Any TextDrag with left mouse button depressed
Select ParagraphTriple-Click
Drag and DropSelect and Drag
Drag and Drop CopyCTRL+Select and Drag

Shortcut Keys For DOS

ECHODisplay message on screen
ENDLOCALEnd localisation of environment changes in a batch file
ERASEDelete one or more files
EXITQuit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel.
EXPANDUncompress files
EXTRACTUncompress CAB files
FCCompare two files
FDISKDisk Format and partition
FINDSearch for a text string in a file
FINDSTRSearch for strings in files
FOR /FLoop command: against a set of files
FOR /FLoop command: against the results of another command
FORLoop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILESBatch process multiple files
FORMATFormat a disk
FREEDISKCheck free disk space (in bytes)
FSUTILFile and Volume utilities
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTYPEDisplay or modify file types used in file extension associations
GLOBALDisplay membership of global groups
GOTODirect a batch program to jump to a labelled line
HELPOnline Help
HFNETCHKNetwork Security Hotfix Checker
IFConditionally perform a command
IFMEMBERIs the current user in an NT Workgroup
KILLRemove a program from memory
LABELEdit a disk label
LOCALDisplay membership of local groups
LOGEVENTWrite text to the NT event viewer.
LOGOFFLog a user off
LOGTIMELog the date and time in a file
MAPISENDSend email from the command line
MEMDisplay memory usage
MDCreate new folders
MKLINKCreate a symbolic link (linkd)
MODEConfigure a system device
MOREDisplay output, one screen at a time
MOUNTVOLManage a volume mount point
MOVEMove files from one folder to another
MOVEUSERMove a user from one domain to another
MSGSend a message
MSIEXECMicrosoft Windows Installer
MSINFOWindows NT diagnostics
MSTSCTerminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGEFind and Replace text within file(s)
MVCopy in use files
DATEDisplay or set the date
DcomcnfgDCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAGDefragment hard drive
DELDelete one or more files
DELPROFDelete NT user profiles
DELTREEDelete a folder and all subfolders
DevConDevice Manager Command Line Utility
DIRDisplay a list of files and folders
DIRUSEDisplay disk usage
DISKCOMPCompare the contents of two floppy disks
DISKCOPYCopy the contents of one floppy disk to another
DOSKEYEdit command line, recall commands, and create macros
DSADDAdd user (computer, group..) to active directory
DSQUERYList items in active directory
DSMODModify user (computer, group..) in active directory
  दोस्तों आशा हे की आज के इस पोस्ट से आपको नया कुछ जरुर जानने को मिलेगा .अगर आपको आजेके पोस्ट जरा भी मदत मिली हे तो.पोस्ट को जरुर Share करे.

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